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ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7 (60caps)

ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7 (60caps)
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ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7 (60caps)
ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7 (60caps)
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$8 / pcs..
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ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7® - the unique synergetic complex consisting of the most powerful natural antioxidants - L-carnosine and dihydroquercetin which activity is enhanced by vitamins A, C, E, zinc and an organic source of selenium - selenopyran. The complex provides support of a natural protective system of an organism, interferes with education of new free radicals and neutralizes old ones.

Contains antioxidants of natural origin in the most effective ratio that allows to achieve components synergy effect and high antioxidant activity of a product.

ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7® complex is created by the Russian scientists as a result of the long-term scientific research conducted at department of Children, functional and sports nutrition technology of Moscow State University of applied biotechnology.

Useful effects of ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7®:

·       Protects an organism from the destroying action of products of peroxide oxidation and free radicals;

·       Provides organism resistance to heavy exercise and psycho-emotional stresses;

·       Accelerates processes muscular tissue restoration after loadings;

·       Increases endurance and efficiency of the athlete;

·       Reduces terms of adaptation of an organism to extreme factors of the environment;

·       Strengthens walls of blood vessels and well influences all cardiovascular system;

·       Promotes improvement of functional activity of the immune system;

·       Slows down processes of cell aging and body tissues;

·       Has anti-inflammatory effect.

Rational and systematic use of means of restoration and support at various stages of training process substantially defines efficiency of all system of training, achievement of high and stable sports results.

After age of 30 in an organism of any person starts process of aging which basic reason scientists consider "an oxidizing stress" - interaction of free radicals and the active forms of oxygen (AFO) with living cells begins. The oxidizing stress causing damage of cells is most brightly observed at the athletes experiencing the raised exercise stresses. Attacking an organism, free radicals cause damage of DNA and oxidation of important proteins and lipids to membranes of cells. Under the influence of radiation, ultraviolet, a vitamin defficiency, intoxication, substandard food, a viral infection - "the oxidizing stress" amplifies in a geometrical progression.

One of the main mechanisms of nonspecific protection of bodies and fabrics from AFK and free radicals is the activity of the antioxidant systems of an organism providing protection of living cells against free radical damage. In an organism of the healthy person there is a normal balance between formation of derivatives of oxygen and antioxidant protection, however aggression of external environment often happens is too big, and independently the organism cannot cope with it. Therefore there is a big need for support of an antioxidant system, and at the strengthened exercise stresses this need considerably increases.


It is well known that antioxidant protection depends on normal nutrition to a large extent, and in this regard becomes obvious that insufficiency of nutrition can lead to an oxidizing stress due to decrease of the activity of protective systems.

The developed original ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7® complex is capable to fill this shortcoming at the expense of the effective antioxidants of natural origin. The efficiency of ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7® scientifically proved and experimentally confirmed.


Complex action of a product helps an organism to resist oxidation processes most effectively. Well affecting all systems of an organism, ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7® allows to remain vigorous and active all day.

Active Antioxidant Synergy 7® ingredients provide:


·       Antioxidant and radio protective action


Dihydroquercetin neutralizes and brings out of an organism free radicals, interferes with their damaging action; slow a senilism of cells and development of various diseases; reduces an adverse effect on an organism of chemical and radiotherapy.

L-carnosine protects an organism from acidulation, thanks to ability to connect hydrogen ions (protons). In muscles at an exercise stress lactic acid and AOF collects at the same time that’s why calcium channels are closed, and muscles cannot be reduced. Carnosine neutralizes protons and AOF, after that the exhaustion disappears, and muscles can be reduced again. It was repeatedly proved that the operability of muscles increases by higher level of carnosine content in them.

Selenopiran thanks to the proton donor and electron-donor properties is "trap" of free radicals and tears off chain reactions of peroxide oxidation.

·       Membrane-protect action:

Dihydroquercetin, vitamin E interfere peroxide oxidation of lipids and destruction of cellular membranes.

·       Capillary-protect, vasoprotective and lipid-lowering action:

Dihydroquercetin, vitamins A, C, E strengthen walls of blood vessels and capillaries, protect walls of vessels from damage, normalize permeability of a vascular wall, reduce viscosity of blood, restore microcirculation, reduce a clotting factor, normalize the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood, interfere with development of atherosclerosis.

·       Anti-inflammatory, decongestant and anti-allergic action:

Dihydroquercetin, vitamins A, E slow down inflammatory processes, reduce puffiness at inflammation, show antihistaminic activity; reduce expressiveness of a bronchial obstruction, prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases of a respiratory organs.

·       Cardio-protect action:

Dihydroquercetin, L-carnosine, selenopiran improves coronary blood stream and contractility of a myocardium, contribute to normalization of processes of excitability and conductivity in a myocardium, reduce risk of developing of a myocardial infarction.

·       Hepatoprotective and anti-toxic action:

Dihydroquercetin and selenopiran protect liver cells from destruction by viruses and toxic substances.

·       Neuro-protect action:

Dihydroquercetin, vitamin C make positive impact on a nervous system, intensify nervous processes.

L-carnosine removes psycho-emotional excitability, stops stress, improves a dream.

·       Eye-protect action:


Dihydroquercetin increases visual acuity; slows down development of dystrophic and sclerosis processes in structures of an eye.

Zinc is an active center of one of important enzymes - superoxide dismutase, providing antioxidant protection of an organism, and in particular an organ of sight.

With the participation of vitamin A rhodopsin - the substance necessary for normal work of organs of sight is formed.

·       Gastric-protect action:

Dihydroquercetin, vitamin A is stimulated by processes of regeneration of a mucous membrane, prevents development and promotes healing of stomach ulcers or a duodenum. The protective effect of dihydromeletin on mucous a stomach is connected with its capillary-strengthening action on walls of circulatory capillaries mucous a stomach.

·       Immuno-modulating action:

Dihydroquercetin, vitamin A promote maintenance of functions of the immune system, has antiviral effect.

Selenopiran regulates nonspecific and specific stability of an organism due to activation of function of neutrophils, cellular and phagocyte links of immunity. At a lack of selenium of a live system selenium is released from a molecule of a selenopiran and built in ferments contains selenium enzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase.

·       Wound healing action:

L-carnosine accelerates healing of wounds due to normalization of exchange in bone and muscular fabrics, promotes their restoration at injuries.


·       Anti-carcinogen action:

Selenopiran reacts with final carcinogen, activates enzymes detoxication, block the enzyme transforming pro-carcinogens to active forms.

·       Regulation of male sex hormones level :

Selenopiran positively influences anabolic processes in cells: increases synthesis of DNA, RNA, protein, hemoglobin, ATP, improves quality of activity of men's sex cells.

Zinc participates in synthesis of different anabolic hormones in an organism, including insulin, testosterone and a growth hormone. It is necessary for products of sperm, men's hormones and normal activity of a prostate and also for metabolism of vitamin E which is a predecessor of sex hormones and joins in products of testosterone.


Storage conditions: To store in the dry place at a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Expiration date: 24 months from the date of production


Antioxidant Synergy 7® Structure


1 capsule contains



10 mg



50 mg


Vitamin А

0,25 mg


Vitamin Е

5 mg


Vitamin С

20 mg



2,5 mg



20 mcg

29% - for men
37% - for women


Recommendations to use:


To support of the immune system of an organism and prevention of various diseases accept 1 capsule a day at meal time. At active sports activities, the raised exercise stresses accept 2 capsules a day.

Admission duration - 4 weeks. After course reception it is recommended to take a 2-week break.

Indications to use:

It is recommended at active lifestyle, residence in ecologically adverse area, work on harmful production, psychological stresses, for support of the immune system of an organism and prevention of various diseases.

Special need for ANTIOXIDANT Synergy 7® is felt by athletes of all sports where exercises are accompanied by high exercise stresses, for example, such as: bodybuilding, powerlifting, triathlon, swimming, run on long distances, cycle races, tennis, rowing, soccer, hockey, skating, skiing, etc. It is recommended to apply during the preparatory, competitive and recovery periods.


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