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SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein 750g. (Chocolate)

SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein 750g. (Chocolate)
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SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein 750g. (Chocolate)
SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein 750g. (Chocolate)
(votes: 1, rating: 5)
Availability: lot
$20 / pcs..
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Sportein Enriched Protein 750 g. with chocolate flavour

SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein - the innovation anabolic formula for accumulation of dry muscle bulk and the accelerated restoration containing quality filtration serum protein with the increased content of the most bioavailable serum peptides, unique vitamin and mineral premix, soluble prebiotic Floracia™ fibers and also the increased amount of Arginine and Glutamine.

SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein is developed by the Russian scientists as a result of the three years' scientific research conducted at department of «Children, Functional and Sports nutrition products technology "of Moscow State University of applied biotechnology. SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein approved and certified by Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein creates all necessary conditions for natural muscle work and their maximum return, increases power generation, significantly strengthens protective functions of an organism and expands limits of adaptation opportunities of athletes.

Useful tips SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein:

·        Fast and effective increase in muscle bulk. High-quality serum protein in a combination with anabolic factors actively influence at growth zones of muscle cells and allow your organism to build up quickly muscle bulk, as much as possible to intensify synthesis of a muscle protein and to minimize disintegration of muscular tissue. SPORTEIN® effectively influences all groups of muscles: skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, cardiac muscle. As a result, your body gets an ideal form, and muscles become more springy and elastic.

·        Increase in working capacity and resistance to physical exercise. Regular medication of SPORTEIN® will allow you to increase the volume and intensity of exercises, to raise an organism tone and working capacity. SPORTEIN® promotes more effective implementation of intense training programs and has the general stimulating impact on an organism, improves mood, increases confidence in endurance, strengthens desire to train.

·        Strengthening of immunity. Considerably raises the immune status of your organism, strengthens its resistance to adverse effects of the environment, reduces risk of infectious diseases.

·        Increase in explosive force of muscles and power endurance. The protein of Sportein Enriched Protein allows raising considerably indicators at power and game sports and creates a basis for increase in sports results and achievement of new records.

·        Acceleration of recovery and decrease in terms of adaptation to exercises. SPORTEIN® allows accelerating recovery processes in an organism after the exhausting exercises, to reduce the period between trainings, to optimize training process and to increase its efficiency. SPORTEIN® contributes to normalize as physical also psycho-emotional state, prevents emergence of a syndrome of overtraining, an overstrain and overwork.

·        Improvement of intestines. SPORTEIN® renders the expressed prebiotic effect on useful intestinal microflora, improves functioning of digestive tract and liver, provides to the detoxification of ammonia and other nitrogenous slags which are formed at a high-protein diet and as a result of heavy exercises, overstrain and overwork.

Effects of SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein are reached thanks to ideally matched structure of a product including various components operating in a complex and not only itself but also with difficulty interacting with each other, creating effect of a synergism that is big advantage of Sportein Enriched Protein. It is possible to buy almost each of these components in the form of monodrugs today. But each of them separately does not give that strong physiological effect which can be reached by mixing them.

An organism reaction to intensive exercises includes a difficult combination of neuroendocrine, metabolic and immune responses. The metabolic shifts happening in an organism are characterized by development of a syndrome of hyper catabolism which involves changes in many biochemical processes, the most essential of which are:

·        absolute or relative food (including vitamins and microelements) and power insufficiency;

·        the negative nitrogenous balance which is followed by the increased disintegration of myoproteoses;

·        decrease in indicators of an immune responsiveness of an organism;

·        psychological disturbances and noticeable decrease in attention and mental abilities;

·        disturbance of functioning of digestive tract (dysbiosis , disturbance of evacuation functions of intestines, etc.);

·        the metabolic changes of internal environment (рН shifts, accumulation of urea, a lactate, etc.) leading finally to endogenous intoxication of an organism.

Net result of all this are losses and the minimum accumulation of muscle bulk, long work and low working capacity, development of syndromes of overwork, overtraining and an overstrain. Duration and intensity of such changes depend first of all on intensity of an exercises and also on character and timeliness of holding recovery actions. Among recovery means, the special place is allocated to healthy nutrition as to the necessary factor interfering emergence of various negative consequences of exercise stresses and promoting achievement of high sports results.

SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein is the first protein which not only increases efficiency and effectiveness of trainings, but also, at the same time, eliminates negative impact on an organism of intensive exercise stresses and reduces the undesirable side effects arising at a high-protein diet.

Storage conditions: To store in the dry place at a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Expiration date: 15 months from the date of production

Academy-T Sportein Enriched Protein bank of 2270 grams with a measured spoon of 30 grams.



Formula SPORTEIN Enriched Protein 

Amino-acid structure for 1 portion (30 g of a product):


0,30 g   


1,18 g


1,14 g


2,38 g


1,16 g


1,12 g


0,62 g


0,54 g


0,30 g


0,96 g


1,42 g


0,54 g


0,64 g


0,28 g


1,90 g

L-aspartic acid

2,30 g

L-glutamine acid  

3,94 g


1,82 g


2,00 g

*ВСАА= 4,68 g


Content of food substances in 1 portion (30 g of a product):

1 portion = 1 measured spoon





22 g

27,6 %


4,5 g

< 1 %

Includes soluble dietary fiber

2 g

30 %


0 g



0,12 g

0,1 %


0 g


Vitamin А

0,4 mg

25 %

Vitamin Е

3,4 mg

23 %

Vitamin D

0,001 mg

24 %

Vitamin В1

0,4 mg

24 %

Vitamin В2

0,48 mg

24 %

Vitamin В6

1,6 mg

40 %

Vitamin РР

3,6 mg

18 %

Vitamin В5

1,52 mg


Vitamin В9

0,12 mg

30 %

Vitamin В12

0,001 mg

33 %

Vitamin С

18 mg

25 %

Vitamin Н

0,016 mg

32 %


150 mg

12 %


90 mg

25 %


1,8 mg

15 %


4,8 mg

32 %


0,022 mg

15 %


0,42 mg

22 %


222 mg

28 %


0,12 mg

12 %

Energy value

97 kkal


Using SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein 

Recommendations to use:

Mix 1 measured spoon of a product from 250 - 300 ml of water or skim milk. Accept 2 - 3 times a day. In the morning - during a breakfast, after exercises and in 2 - 3 hours before going to bed. In days of rest accept 1-3 times a day - in the morning, before going to bed and in breaks between meals.

Indications to use of SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein:


SPORTEIN® Enriched Protein is recommended for use of physical culture and sport by the All-Russian scientific research institute as an additional source of protein and micronutrients in a food allowance of athletes power (bodybuilding, weightlifting, etc.) and high-speed strength sports (including game) for a fast set of dry muscle bulk, acceleration of adaptation process (both for an exercises, and for the changing environment conditions), supports of immunity and reduction of a fatty layer, increase in explosive force of muscles and endurance, prevention of retension, increases in mental stability and working capacity. The product is suitable for use, both in training, and in competitive training periods for the athlete.

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