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Floracia® (140 g.)

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Floracia® (140 g.)
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Floracia® (140 g.)
Floracia® (140 g.)
(votes: 1, rating: 5)
Availability: lot
$10 / pcs..

Prebiotic Floracia®

FLORACIA® - the new strategy of dysbacteriosis treatment based on use of unique food fiber and the balanced complex of vitamins and mineral substances.

The product is created by the Russian scientists as a result of the long-term scientific research conducted at department of children, functional and sports food technology of Moscow State University of applied biotechnology

Useful effects of Floracia®:

-      Stimulates growth and activity of useful intestinal microflora (bifid-and lactobacillus);

-      Adjusts disturbances of structure of intestinal microflora at the chronic diseases of digestive tract caused by acute and persistent infections of various etiology, damages of a digestive tract, helminthic invasions, reception of antibiotics, beam both the chemotherapy and other factors which are perniciously influencing normal microflora;

-      Normalizes motor function of intestines at constipations and at an unstable stool;

-      Supports and strengthens immunity, increases resistance of an organism to catarrhal and infectious diseases, reduces expressiveness of inflammatory processes in an organism;

-      Absorbs toxins and bile acids, reduces risk of diseases of a rectum;

-      Promotes decrease in level of glucose in blood, reduces risk of a disease of diabetes;

-      Promotes decrease in level of cholesterol, reduces risk of a coronary disease of heart;

-      Restores a vitamin deficiency and minerals in an organism;

Normal microflora plays an important role in protection of an organism. Disturbance of normal structure of digestive tract microflora, depletion by its beneficial bacteria - a probiotics, reduces protective functions, natural resilience, leads to developing of various diseases and has an adverse effect on digestion and a metabolism at the person, therefore, the quality of life decreases.


Development of normal intestinal microflora depends on availability of the nutrients necessary for growth and reproduction of bacteria. One of the reasons of disbyosis is the lack of prebiotics in food and, therefore, "starvation" of colibacillus. Pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacterium eat generally proteins. In the presence of nutritious substrate of population of bacteria are capable to increase promptly. Therefore, controlling quality and structure of food, we can control composition of intestinal microflora.


Prebiotics are the drugs of not microbe origin capable to render positive effect on the owner's organism through selective stimulation of metabolic function activation growth of normal microflora. According to modern representation, prebiotics represent the undigested or partially digested food remains capable to stimulate growth of some bacteria (probiotics) populations of a small and large intestine. Prebiotics can have a greater influence on microflora, than a probiotics. Are consumed by generally strict anaerobe bacteria that promotes growth of their population.

FLORATSIYA® is the innovation prebiotic. The uniqueness of a product of Floratsiya® consists in use of natural bio-fiber, the first and only combination of two known types supplementing each other of soluble food fibers: the long-chain of polysaccharides from an acacia and the short-chain of fruit-oligosaccharide. Consumption of such peculiar combination of fibers increases prebiotic effect in comparison with the separate use of fruit-oligosaccharide and polysaccharides of pitch of an acacia. Bio-fiber is absolute naturally, received from perfect pitch of an acacia tree. Does not contain the components subjected to genetic modification and it is safe for health.

Storage conditions: To store in the dry place at a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Expiration date: 24 months from the date of production


1 portion contains (5g)


Carbohydrates, g, insists
- soluble food fiber, g



Calcium, mg



Phosphorus, mg



Magnum, mg



Iron, mg



Copper, mg



Vitamin A, mcg



Vitamin D3, mcg



Vitamin E, mg



Vitamin C, mg



Vitamin PP(B3), mg



Vitamin В1, mg



Vitamin В2, mg



Vitamin В(pantothenic acid), mg



Vitamin В6, mg



Vitamin B12, mcg



Vitamin Вс, mg



Vitamin Н, mcg




Recommendations to use:

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of powder without top in 200-250 ml of water at meal time for the preventive purposes or 2 teaspoons a day at intestinal microflora disturbances. To accept at meal time (it is recommended to add to tea, coffee, fermented milk products, soft drinks, porridges and other food stuffs). Duration of admission is not less than 4 weeks. For achievement of lasting effect it is recommended to conduct 2-3 courses a year.

Indications to use:


-      the disturbances of microflora of digestive tract caused by acute and persistent infections of various etiology, damages of a digestive tract, helminthic invasions, reception of antibiotics, beam both the chemotherapy and other factors which are perniciously influencing normal microflora;

-      prevention of disbyosis disturbances of a GIT;

-      immunodeficiency;

-      vitamin and mineral deficiency;

-      chronic pancreatitis;

-      leaver disease;

-      steato-hepatitis;

-      functional constipation;

-      postcholecystectomic syndrome;

-      syndrome of the angry gut with prevalence of constipations;

-      diseases with accompanying disbyosis intestines;

-      harmful working conditions;

-      in the program of correction of weight;

-      change of character and diet.

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